A synodal journey : what is the Spirit saying to the people of God
Hearing the voice of the faithful
Today, Pope Francis in trying to bring about reform has asked us not to domesticate God’s Spirit. The Holy Spirit, he says, is God’s strength and ‘pushes the Church to move forward’. Francis is calling for a Synodal Church in which there is greater participation of the people of God through communal discernment. This theme is well developed in articles in the Furrow, May/June 2020; ‘Give the Spirit the Mic’ by Brian Grogan S.J. and ‘Church Reform’ by Gerry O Hanlon S.J.
Among the people of God, there is a strong and prophetic energy calling for inclusive and transparent leadership. If the wisdom of the faithful were brought to bear on decision-making procedures the Vatican would be more in tune with what is really happening at ground level. Honest, open dialogue and respectful listening are needed. The gifts of nature and grace of God’s people are a mine of transforming energy which could be tapped. Greater participation of women and men at parish, diocesan and international levels would facilitate much-needed transformation. Pope Francis is leading the way by his synodal approach and is inviting national Episcopal Conferences to follow suit.
Today, Pope Francis in trying to bring about reform has asked us not to domesticate God’s Spirit. The Holy Spirit, he says, is God’s strength and ‘pushes the Church to move forward’. Francis is calling for a Synodal Church in which there is greater participation of the people of God through communal discernment. This theme is well developed in articles in the Furrow, May/June 2020; ‘Give the Spirit the Mic’ by Brian Grogan S.J. and ‘Church Reform’ by Gerry O Hanlon S.J.
Among the people of God, there is a strong and prophetic energy calling for inclusive and transparent leadership. If the wisdom of the faithful were brought to bear on decision-making procedures the Vatican would be more in tune with what is really happening at ground level. Honest, open dialogue and respectful listening are needed. The gifts of nature and grace of God’s people are a mine of transforming energy which could be tapped. Greater participation of women and men at parish, diocesan and international levels would facilitate much-needed transformation. Pope Francis is leading the way by his synodal approach and is inviting national Episcopal Conferences to follow suit.

We may hope that the voice of the faithful will be heard at the next Synod of Bishops, to be held in Rome October 2023. It is titled, For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission.
Our Responsibility
It is the responsibility of all of us to be finely tuned to how God’s Spirit is breathing in our midst and in the circumstances of our times. Discerning the presence of the Spirit in our lives and in our Churches is a deep concern for many of us, but this discernment must be taken seriously at all levels of leadership. The Spirit is doing a new thing in our times : have we ears to hear ?
Personal silent meditation on the word of God in Scripture is a powerful means of becoming tuned to God’s Spirit. Prayerful reflective listening to what is going on deep in our own spirits and around us is a key to hearing how the Spirit is working. In our inner movements of feelings thoughts, attractions and repulsions and sharing them with an anamchara or soul friend we become more aware of how the Spirit is leading us: we begin to live from a discerning place. As groups and communities enter this process the Spirit can move more freely in our midst. What a grace it would be if this communal discerning of the presence of God’s Spirit could become the norm in our Christian Churches.
A grace filled challenge is being offered to us to allow the Spirit of God have full reign in our lives, thus engaging us in the God adventure. This self-same Spirit is strongly present among us in our times. It is almost as if we are experiencing a new Pentecost, a grace that Pope John XX111, many years ago, asked us all to pray for. It seems that now we are more ready to receive this gift of God. The presence of the Spirit is being manifest both within the Churches and the wider human community. In-depth prayer, meditation and contemplative groups are widespread, healing therapies are being developed in abundance, ‘care of the earth’ and justice issues are highlighted and pursued. Ministries and services are being offered to people on the margins of society.
As we say today, we are experiencing ‘a new normal’. While this phrase mostly refers to the effects of the restrictions imposed because of the corona virus, it seems that there is a shift happening in the human race. Altruistic values are coming to the fore where people are truly caring for each other and the planet we inhabit. It seems that more and more people are engaging in the God adventure, a mystical journey of love.
Article written by sister Helen Grealy, rc
‘These extracts are taken from a 3 part article ‘The God Adventure, a mystical journey of love’ published in Dominican Publications ‘Spirituality’ November 2020, January 2021 and May 2021′.