A mission in 3D : Apostolic service, community life and prayer
Each sister and the community as a whole is committed to the common mission received from the Constitutions and finds a concrete way of living it through the ‘letter of mission’ given by the provincial superior. Each one lives it according to her gifts. Some have a direct engagement; but all are committed to the mission through prayer and sisterly support.
« The quality of our community life is reflected in in our apostolic works ».
Constitutions of the Cenacle Sisters
Each sister and the community as a whole is committed to the common mission received from the Constitutions and finds a concrete way of living it through the ‘letter of mission’ given by the provincial superior. Each one lives it according to her gifts. Some have a direct engagement; but all are committed to the mission through prayer and sisterly support.
« The quality of our community life is reflected in in our apostolic works ».
Constitutions of the Cenacle Sisters

« Our familiarity with God unites our prayer and our apostolic activity ».
Constitutions of the Cenacle Sisters
It is this familiarity with God that impels us to go out and meet those seeking God and meaning in their lives, to make ourselves available to them through being apostles engaged in our world. Those whom we meet in our mission, as well as those whom we have not yet met, remain present in our prayer. We hold all those we have encountered in our Liturgical prayer, the Eucharist, adoration and our personal prayer.
« Our familiarity with God unites our prayer and our apostolic activity ».
Constitutions of the Cenacle Sisters
It is this familiarity with God that impels us to go out and meet those seeking God and meaning in their lives, to make ourselves available to them through being apostles engaged in our world. Those whom we meet in our mission, as well as those whom we have not yet met, remain present in our prayer. We hold all those we have encountered in our Liturgical prayer, the Eucharist, adoration and our personal prayer.

« We believe in the transforming presence of the Holy Spirit in the world ».
Constitutions of the Cenacle Sisters
It is this faith that makes us active, creative and passionate collaborators with the Holy Spirit. We look for ways that are most appropriate to help each person grow in their life of faith and try to offer diverse propositions. To this end, we offer spiritual retreats according to the Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, for all people and in various forms. We accompany people who want to reflect on their lives under the gaze of Christ and orient themselves towards Him. We provide formation and training and participate in pastoral work in dioceses (in parishes, chaplaincies and universities for example). We try to create a special presence in the city, that of a praying community with its doors always open. This is, in fact, the very definition of the Cenacle in the Bible: a place of life and prayer for the disciples between Ascension and Pentecost, a place of welcome for others and of waiting for the Holy Spirit, a place from which we set out to proclaim Jesus.
« We believe in the transforming presence of the Holy Spirit in the world ».
Constitutions of the Cenacle Sisters
It is this faith that makes us active, creative and passionate collaborators with the Holy Spirit. We look for ways that are most appropriate to help each person grow in their life of faith and try to offer diverse propositions. To this end, we offer spiritual retreats according to the Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, for all people and in various forms. We accompany people who want to reflect on their lives under the gaze of Christ and orient themselves towards Him. We provide formation and training and participate in pastoral work in dioceses (in parishes, chaplaincies and universities for example). We try to create a special presence in the city, that of a praying community with its doors always open. This is, in fact, the very definition of the Cenacle in the Bible: a place of life and prayer for the disciples between Ascension and Pentecost, a place of welcome for others and of waiting for the Holy Spirit, a place from which we set out to proclaim Jesus.