Who are we?
Our mission is threefold: prayer, community and ministry.

« You are about to receive the power of the Holy Spirit who will come upon you;
then you will be my witness... to the ends of the Earth »
Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 1, Verse 8.
A mission in 3D
The Cenacle Sisters live their consecration to God according to three dimensions: community life, prayer life and the apostolic service according to the Congregation. These dimensions are like pillars on which their life is built, which is directed towards making Jesus Christ known and loved and to accompany those who seeking to experience an encounter with the God in their lives.
Our way of living our mission is coloured by our spirituality, especially by Ignatian spirituality which is a strong feature of our life and which shapes our formation, our life of prayer and our way of being an apostle.
Each of these dimensions is important and they are interdependent.
The Cenacle Sisters live their consecration to God according to three dimensions: community life, prayer life and the apostolic service according to the Congregation. These dimensions are like pillars on which their life is built, which is directed towards making Jesus Christ known and loved and to accompany those who seeking to experience an encounter with the God in their lives.
Our way of living our mission is coloured by our spirituality, especially by Ignatian spirituality which is a strong feature of our life and which shapes our formation, our life of prayer and our way of being an apostle.
Each of these dimensions is important and they are interdependent.

The spirituality proper to the Cenacle Sisters comes from the encounter of the mystery of Mary in the Cenacle, the charism of the founders (St. Thérèse Couderc and Father Stephen Terme) and the Ignatian influence.
The spirituality proper to the Cenacle Sisters comes from the encounter of the mystery of Mary in the Cenacle, the charism of the founders (St. Thérèse Couderc and Father Stephen Terme) and the Ignatian influence.

The Congregation began in 1826 and the sisters soon began to live and transmit the Spiritual Exercises. The Congregation also became international shortly after its foundation, spreading especially in Italy and the United States by the end of the 19th century. Moreover, the family of Our Lady of the Cenacle is not only composed of sisters! It is also available to the laity through various forms of membership: associates, Companions etc. all make up the family of the Cenacle, united in Christ.
The Congregation began in 1826 and the sisters soon began to live and transmit the Spiritual Exercises. The Congregation also became international shortly after its foundation, spreading especially in Italy and the United States by the end of the 19th century. Moreover, the family of Our Lady of the Cenacle is not only composed of sisters! It is also available to the laity through various forms of membership: associates, Companions etc. all make up the family of the Cenacle, united in Christ.