“Impelled by love of Christ and concern for a world in need of this message, we give ourselves with all our strength to making the Gospel known so that it may become a source of life for everyone.”
From our Constitutions
Our Ministries
Our Spirituality
« The mystery of the Cenacle expresses our mission. It is the mystery of prayerful expectation by the first assembly of the Church, with Mary, directed to that outpouring of the Spirit which sent the apostles to the ends of the earth “clothed with power from on high” (Acts 1: 8; Lk 24: 49)
Our views of the world
Happy Christmas !
Sister Kate Stogdon, Provincial Superior, wishes you a happy Christmas !
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
The opportunity to raise awareness around the world about physical, psychological and sexual violence suffered by women in all societies
Summit on Peace in Ukraine
Switzerland is organising a summit for peace in Ukraine on 15 and 16 June 2024, inviting over 160 delegations from around the world
Cenacle sisters
in the world