Praying with Scripture

For Pentecost, share with us a journey through art and history
World Day of Consecrated Life 1
World Day of Consecrated Life
February 2, Feast of the Presentation to the Lord
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023 1
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023
“Do good, seek justice.” (Isaiah 1:17)
Méditer la parole de Dieu
Prayer Isaiah 43
Stop, read, imagine the scene, search for the deep meaning of the story, be surprised, sometimes protest! And thus share with God my joys and doubts in a true dialogue.
Méditer la parole de Dieu
Praying with the Psalm 130: Search Me, O God, and Know My Heart
It is possible to flow into another's prayer. We suggest that you do so with the author of Psalm 139, who knows that we can talk to God and tell him everything that is on our hearts. Before praying with this psalm, you can do like him: talk to God spontaneously. God asks you: "How are you? "and you answer him. This familiarity with God, this believer experiences it. He knows that God is the one to whom you can talk, to whom you can confide, whom you can question and even to whom you can reproach! Familiarity with God to whom one says "you", then reading this psalm, feeling how you can make it your own or not. How does it reach you? What feelings does it provoke in you?
Current Prayer