Sister Kate's installation 

"Do whatever he tells you"

It was with great joy that the community of Montmartre gathered  with the communities of London, Kremlin-Bicêtre and Versailles on September 8th to celebrate the installation of Sister Kate Stogdon as Provincial of Europe-Togo.

Véronique Fabre, newly elected Superior General, opened our celebration by thanking Sister Kate for putting herself at the service of our Province. The Gospel of the wedding feast at Cana, which Kate introduced, challenged all of us. Mary’s invitation to the servants: “Do whatever he tells you” resounded with force.

It was with great joy that the community of Montmartre gathered  with the communities of London, Kremlin-Bicêtre and Versailles on September 8th to celebrate the installation of Sister Kate Stogdon as Provincial of Europe-Togo.

Véronique Fabre, newly elected Superior General, opened our celebration by thanking Sister Kate for putting herself at the service of our Province. The Gospel of the wedding feast at Cana, which Kate introduced, challenged all of us. Mary’s invitation to the servants: “Do whatever he tells you” resounded with force.

Sister Kate's installation


Then at the heart of the celebration came the handing over of the candle, symbol of the Province, from Veronique’s hands to Kate’s, a long blessing prayed by all over Kate and, in a moment full of emotion and joy, each one exchanged a warm embrace with our new Provincial.


Then at the heart of the celebration came the handing over of the candle, symbol of the Province, from Veronique’s hands to Kate’s, a long blessing prayed by all over Kate and, in a moment full of emotion and joy, each one exchanged a warm embrace with our new Provincial.

Sister Kate's installation 1


The next stage was entrusted to Mary, Our Lady of the Cenacle : “May she accompany us in all the passages we will have to live and on our faith journey”.


The next stage was entrusted to Mary, Our Lady of the Cenacle : “May she accompany us in all the passages we will have to live and on our faith journey”.

Sister Kate's installation 2


Of course, a festive time followed where gifts  were opened and we said our thanks to Véronique and our support to Kate ; one of the most symbolic gifts to Kate was a little donkey, a reminder of the Gospel word : “untie him, the Lord needs him” ;  this was indeed what we were celebrating : this ‘Yes’ to the Lord’s call to serve, where there was need !

Thank you !!!!


Article written by sr Marie Jamet, community of Versailles



Of course, a festive time followed where gifts  were opened and we said our thanks to Véronique and our support to Kate ; one of the most symbolic gifts to Kate was a little donkey, a reminder of the Gospel word : “untie him, the Lord needs him” ;  this was indeed what we were celebrating : this ‘Yes’ to the Lord’s call to serve, where there was need !

Thank you !!!!


Article written by sr Marie Jamet, community of Versailles


Sister Kate's installation 3
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