London Citizens Assembly 2021

Together we can transform our city. Be part of democracy and civil society in action. London Citizens Mayoral Accountability Assembly.

On Thursday 6 May 2021, people living in London can vote for the Mayor of London and Members of the London Assembly.


Why this article on this political event?

I’m a French Cenacle sister living in an international community in London and member of “Welcome Refugee Group” part of London Citizens. Having participated online in this meeting, I was deeply touched by the way it took place, the spirit that animated those who were there and those who made it possible.


“Will you make your commitment working with us”, Yes or No?

I did not hear any indictments of the past, but a presentation of the current situation with strong testimonies of people living in these situations.

And the testimony of the commitment of the associations already working on the ground to transform the situation and their precise requests to the two candidates: “will you commit to supporting us to obtain these results? Can we count on you not to do the work for us, but to work together towards this precise goal for a clear and dated objective”?

No demands for unrealistic promises, but a commitment made together which meant that at the end of our meeting, there was already a concrete step.


About this event

In February 2021, 500 Londoners on a Zoom meeting ratified the London Citizens 2021 Manifesto. This manifesto has not been created by experts in think-tanks or political- masterminds. It is theresult of listening and strategy workshops involving thousands of ordinary Londoners over the last two years. With 240+ member organisations, they chose these priority areas:

  • Housing and Homelessness
  • Youth Safety
  • Living Wage
  • A Welcoming London for Migrants
  • Just Transition: Green Jobs

This process culminated on 28th April 2021, where over 5,000 active Citizens gathered online.  Members took this manifesto to Mayoral candidates Sadiq Khan and Shaun Bailey. They were seeking a working relationship with the next Mayor of London, weeks before their election, and asked them to act on the issues presented that matter to us.


Together we can

During the assembly on 28 April, between the presentation of each theme, groups of children sang and danced to express in a different language what they experience and what they expect: dignity, justice, solidarity, peace for all in an open London, enriched by the differences of those who live there. This may seem unrealistic, but ALL BELIEVE IT AND WORK ON IT : TOGETHER WE CAN.


By Sister Marie Jamet, London community. 

Source & picture:

Current Prayer