Celebration of Véronique Assana’s first vows

‘Yes, I want to’. These words echoed clearly from Véronique’s heart, in the chapel of the Cenacle in Vogan on 5 October. She repeated them with emotion during a dialogue with the Provincial Superior to express her desire to consecrate herself to God with the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience and to live the community life, prayer and mission of the Cenacle Sisters, in response to the call of Jesus Christ. Subsequently, according to the rite, she addressed a prayer of consecration to the Father, through which her desire officially became a commitment accepted by the Church and the Congregation.


Celebration of Véronique Assana's first vows
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Celebration of Véronique Assana's first vows 2

The ceremony in which Véronique pronounced her first vows was held at the heart of a Eucharistic celebration that had been meticulously prepared. It was a simple, joyful and prayerful occasion. The inclusion of hymns in different languages including French, Malagasy, Ewe, Kabyé and English, imbued the Mass with an international flavour.

Several people, from different backgrounds, surrounded Véronique at this moment, which represents an important stage in her journey of faith and formation : the Provincial Superior who received her vows, the novitiate community, the community that animates the Spiritual Centre in Vogan, a sister who arrived from Europe, some aspirants interested in our vocation and eager to get to know us, close family members, friends and people who shared significant moments with her, in particular the choir in which she sang for many years.


I would like to thank you, Véronique, for your dedication to embodying the beauty of ‘living like Jesus Christ, always given over to love’! We hope that you will continue to experience the Lord more deeply, as he enriches the gift of self-giving that we offer, for our benefit and that of the people we encounter along the way.

Sister Maurizia Sosio, community of Vogan

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